Impairment of cell-mediated immunity functions by dietary zinc deficiency in mice

Several immunologic features were analyzed in mice on a Zn deficient diet [Zn(-)], in mice pair-fed a diet containing Zn [Zn(+)], in mice fed a Zn(+) diet ad lib and in mice fed laboratory chow ad lib. When placed on a Zn(-) diet, 6-8 wk old A/Jax, C57BL/Ks and CBA/H mice showed loss of body weight, low lymphoid tissue weight and profound involution of the thymus within 4-8 wk after initiation of the regimen. Approximately 50% of the mice on the Zn(-) diet developed severe acrodermatitis enteropathica (lesions on tail and paws) and diarrhea. Pair-fed mice on the Zn(+) diet did not show any of these symptoms. Mice on the Zn(-) diet showed the following immune deficiencies: depressed plaque-forming cells against sheep erythrocytes after in vivo immunization, depressed T [thymus-derived] killer cell activity against EL-4 [mouse lymphoma] tumor cells after in vivo immunization and low natural killer cell activity. Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity against chicken erythrocytes was normal in the mice on the Zn(-) diet. Deficiency of T killer cell activity was not observed when immunization with El-4 allogeneic lymphoma cells was carried out in vitro. Progressive loss of relative and absolute number of Thy 1.2 + cells and a proportionate relative increase in cells bearing Fc receptors was seen in spleen and lymph nodes of Zn(-) animals. Zn is apparently an essential element for maintenance of normal T cell and other immune function in vivo.