Mean Life of the 538-keV State inRh103

The mean life of the 538-keV state in Rh103 is determined, using a time-to-pulse-height converter of the Green and Bell type and of resolving time 0.76 nsec. RCA 6810A photomultipliers in conjunction with NE 102 plastic phosphors are employed for β and γ detection, and a βγ coincidence method together with the centroid-shift technique is used to obtain the mean life as (5.6±1.8)×1011 sec. This value of the mean life is employed to estimate the γ transition probabilities for the 498-keV transition, assuming it to be pure M1, 50%M1+50%E2, and pure E2, and is compared with the single-particle estimates. The 538-keV state does not seem to arise from a (g92)5or7 configuration.