Written information for potential living kidney donors

To meet the constantly growing demand for organs for transplantation the use of living related and unrelated donors continues to increase. Transplant units with a living-donor programme often provide written information to their potential kidney donors. We saw a need to assess the contents of these brochures. Written information for potential live kidney donors was requested from different Transplant units throughout the world. We obtained and analysed 16 different brochures from 14 countries. The general approach ranged from persuasive to almost deterring. Sixteen main themes were identified in the information material. Eight of those were considered paramount, namely voluntarism, medical suitability, short-term donor risks, long-term donor risks, risk of graft loss, outcome with and without a living donor, postoperative course, and financial conditions. Five brochures covered all these crucial matters. When mentioned, examples and interpretations of donor risks were very dissimilar. Furthermore, the conditions for donation were obviously very different in the various countries. This review points at essential issues to be included in the written information for living kidney donors. All transplant units with a living-donor programme should provide such information, thus enabling the potential donor to make a thorough decision.