Measurement of the beam intensity in a laser desorption jet-cooling mass spectrometer

In a laser desorption jet-cooling molecular beam spectrometer the concentration of translationally and internally cooled laser desorbed organic molecules that can be achieved is experimentally determined. Sensitive direct absorption detection of laser desorbed jet-cooled diphenylamine (DPA) via cavity ring down (CRD) spectroscopy on the S1←S0 transition around 308 nm is used to measure the line-integrated absolute absorption of the pulse of laser desorbed DPA molecules. The absolute cross section for the various vibrational bands of the electronic transition that is used, is determined in a separate two-color ionization experiment. It is concluded that the optimum beam intensity that is obtained with laser desorption is comparable to the beam intensity that is obtained in the same spectrometer by conventional seeding of the desired species at a partial pressure of 10−4.