Water Temperature Fluctuations and Seasonal Periodicity of Cladophora and Potamogeton in Shallow Rivers

The influence of water temperature on nuisance plant species in seven river systems in southwestern Ontario was investigated. Nutrients were not limiting. The study period covered the low flow season from May to September, 1973–76. A community dominated by Cladophora glomerata in late spring is usually replaced by a Potamogeton pectinatus dominated community. The tolerance limits of C. glomerata and P. pectinatus at fixed values of the daily mean or daily maximum temperature change with the daily temperature range. Two methods of predicting daily range were derived. An intermediate seasonal temperature (18–22 °C, < 4 °C daily temperature fluctuation) supported a mixed plant community. Maintenance of appropriate temperature conditions could provide a management technique for controlling nuisance plant growths or for establishing a diverse community in shallow rivers. Key words: Potamogeton, Cladophora, temperature, seasonal periodicity, rivers