Portal Hemodynamics by Duplex Doppler Sonography in Different Grades of Cirrhosis

Not much is known about the relationship betweenportal hemodynamics and the grades of cirrhosis. Usingpulsed Doppler ultrasonography, we studied portal veindiameter, portal flow velocity, and portal blood flow rate in 37 patients with livercirrhosis (11 Child's A, 13 Child's B, and 13 Child's C)and 10 healthy controls. There was no difference in themaximum inner diameter of the portal vein in cirrhotics and controls. However, there was a significantdecrease in the portal flow velocity in patients withChild's C cirrhosis, as compared to controls andpatients with Child's A and Child's B cirrhosis. The portal blood flow rate in Child's B and Child'sC cirrhosis was also significantly less as compared tocontrols and patients with Child's A cirrhosis. Patientswith ascites and encephalopathy had significantly lower portal flow velocities and blood flowrate as compared to those without ascites andencephalopathy, respectively. This study indicates thatportal flow significantly decreased in cirrhoticpatients with worsening Child's grade ofcirrhosis.