Microscopic analysis of completeZr90(p,n) spectra including theΔisobar effect

A microscopic analysis of the complete forward angle spectra of the Zr90(p,n) reaction is presented for an incident energy of 200 MeV. It is shown that the whole spectra up to an excitation energy of Ex=70 MeV are the result of correlated one-particleone-hole (1p1h) spin-isospin transitions only. The spectra reflect, therefore, the linear spin-isospin response of the target nucleus to the probing (p,n) field. Two different cross section calculations are performed: one with usual random phase approximation wave functions and one with generalized random phase approximation wave functions which include Δ isobar degrees of freedom explicitly. We find that the theoretical cross sections calculated with random phase approximation wave functions, which provide the lower limit of spin-isospin strength, describe the data rather well at all scattering angles, while the random phase approximation +Δ cross sections underestimate the data at forward angles. In this connection we discuss the quenching of the spin-isospin strength in detail.