Isgur-Wise symmetry in two dimensions

The approach to the heavy-quark Isgur-Wise limit is examined in (1+1)-dimensional QCD where exact calculations are possible. To facilitate the discussion, an explicit scaling equation for the mesonic Bethe-Salpeter amplitude is derived. We find that the leading finite heavy-quark mass corrections to the decay constant and the elastic form factor are comparable in strength. Nonrelativistic estimates of both of the quantities work reasonably well and generalize to 3+1 dimensions. We find that the corrections to the (3+1)-dimensional form factor at large vv’ are comparable to those estimated for the decay constant by lattice gauge theory and QCD sum rules. Furthermore, the structure function f(vv’) is found to be quite large at vv’=1 and we argue that this will remain true in 3+1 dimensions. This implies that one must exercise caution when attempting to extract Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements from semileptonic decays. Finally, it is shown that the Isgur-Wise symmetry never breaks down in two-dimensional QCD for heavy-quark to heavy-quark transitions.