Short Range Alpha-Particles from Fluorine Bombarded with Protons

The ranges of the alpha-particles proceeding from the 334-, 867-, 927-, 1220-, and 1363-kev resonances in the bombardment of fluorine with protons were measured. The Q's of those particles obtained at 334, 867, 927, and 1363 kev were found to be identical, and have the value 1.81 ± 0.04 Mev. The Q of the low energy alpha-particles obtained at the 1220-kev resonance was found to be 1.93±0.07 Mev. The two values thus yield an energy separation of 0.12±0.08 Mev for the two corresponding states of O16. In addition it was shown that at least one of the two resonances which are in the neighborhood of 900 kev must yield short range alpha-particles whose angular distribution is not spherically symmetric.