Degradation of Raspberry Suberin by Fusarium solani f. sp. Pisi and Armillaria mellea

When submers cultures of Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi and Armillaria mellea were grown in a medium supplemented with 0.5 % suberin isolated from raspberry periderm, hydrolytic enzymes were produced and measured by a spectrophotometric assay using p‐nitrophenyl butyrate as substrate. The enzymatic activity in the culture fluids reached its peak after 32 to 44 days of incubation. In a gas‐chromatographic assay of the enzymatic degradation of suberin, concentrated culture fluids of suberin‐grown fungi were incubated with raspberry suberin. The culture fluids of F. solani and A. mellea catalyzed the release of chloroform‐soluble products, which were analyzed by gas‐liquid chromatography. Suberin monomers like fatty alcohols and acids with chain‐lengths from C16 to C26 as well as C16 and C18ω‐hy‐droxyacids could be identified as products. The suberin‐induced enzymes showed catalytic properties similar to cutin‐hydrolyzing enzymes previously isolated from different fungi.