Serum Testosterone, LH, and FSH in Patients with Testicular Cancer Before and After Radio- and Chemotherapy

Serum levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone were measured in 73 patients with germ cell testicular cancer in stages I and II. Blood samples were taken after unilateral orchidectomy but immediately before irradiation and chemotherapy, and again 1 to 3 years after cessation of therapy. No difference was found between pre- and post-treatment testosterone values. Patients who received radiotherapy only, had similar pre- and post-treatment luteinizing hormone values, whereas the patients who received chemotherapy in addition to irradiation still had elevated luteinizing hormone values 1 to 3 years after cessation of therapy. These values fell towards the pretreatment levels during the follow-up period. Levels of follicle-stimulating hormone were already higher than normal before treatment and increased further during treatment.