Various drugs, selected for activities similar to the ancillary effects of antihistamines, were investigated in regard to suppression of deciduomata formation in order to focus the physiological factors. Epinephrine tartrate was very effective, pitocin and ergometrine maleate were less so, and atropine in large doses, was effective in suppressing the development of deciduomata when instilled in utero at the time of endometrial traumatization. Pitressin, serotonin, creatinine and tetracaine, chlorbutanol and dibucaine failed to interfere with deciduoma formation. From these studies local anesthetic and vasopressin effects may be eliminated as the factor of deciduomal inhibition. The role of histamine as an incitor is substantiated, although the action of epinephrine and large doses of atropine as deciduoma inhibitors suggest the involvement of the triad of adrenergic-cholinergic-histaminic system.