Effects of anaesthesia on acute ischaemic arrhythmias and epicardial electrograms in the pig heart in situ

Study objective – The aim of the study was to assess the influence of general anaesthesia on electrocardiographic and arrhythmogenic responses to left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion. Design – Pigs weighing 18-20 kg were anaesthetised with α chloralose 100 mg·kg−1 (n=9) or thiopentone 30 mg·kg−1 (n=9) and the arrhythmogenic effects of coronary artery occlusion were examined by sequential electrocardiographic measurements every 5 min and arrhythmia analysis every minute over a 60 min period. Results – α Chloralose predisposed to lower ST segment elevation (analysis of variance for repeated measurements pConclusions – α Chloralose and barbiturates exerted opposite electrocardiographic and arrhythmogenic effects in a porcine model of acute myocardial ischaemia. Due to its proarrhythmic effect chloralose should probably be used in studies dealing with spontaneous and induced ischaemic arrhythmias.