Simplified GERG Virial Equation for Field Use

Summary: A GERG (Groupe Européen de Recherches Gazières) equation of state (EOS) is presented to calculate the compressibility factor of natural gases. The equation, which does not require detailed gas analysis, can predict the compressibility factor when three of the four following gas properties are known: the gross calorific value, the relative density, and the mole fractions of N2 and CO2. The new equation, known as the SGERG-88 virial equation, is based on ideas presented in an earlier study. The new equation, however, applies to wider ranges of temperature and pressure and can be applied to gases containing hydrogen if the mole fraction of the hydrogen is known. The equation was tested on natural gases purchased, transported, and marketed by the European gas companies. Excellent agreement between computed and experimental compressibility factors was found. This difference is, in most cases (94% of the data points), less than 0.1% in the temperature range of 265 to 335 K and for pressures up to 12 MPa.

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