Effect of Thermal Neutrons on Central Nervous System

During the past several years at the Brookhaven National Laboratory the experimental procedure of neutron capture therapy of intracranial neoplasms has been and is continuing to be investigated, utilizing a nuclear reactor as a neutron source.1-5, 8,9 In neutron capture therapy there are two main components of the therapeutic system—the capture, or target atom, and the thermal neutron, or triggering component. As a result of thermal neutron capture, an atomic transformation occurs with release of energy. When the target atom is boron-10, the thermal neutron capture triggers an immediate disintegration of the boron-10 into an energetic lithium-7 atom and an energetic alpha particle with a modest gamma ray emission totaling in all an energy release of 2.4 mev. The restricted distribution of the energy release to a volume of one average cell provides a selectivity of action that in principle will affect one cell suitably primed and loaded while