Demonstration of oestrogen receptor in symptomatic breast carcinoma, using fine needle aspiration cytology

Oestrogen receptor immunocytochemical assay (ER‐ICA) was used to determine oestrogen receptor (ER) content of cells in fine needle aspirate (FNA) specimens from 88 breast carcinomas. In 49 of these the radioligand binding assay for oestradiol was available for comparison. The predictive value of ER‐ICA staining for a positive radioligand binding assay (greater than 10 fmol/mg protein) was 95%. Although the predictive value of negative staining was only 66%, 34 out of 37 ER‐ICA negative tumours had radioligand binding assays below 60 fmol/mg protein.ER‐ICA staining showed a strong positive correlation with age of the patient, positivity being rare before the menopause. There was a weak inverse correlation with tumour grade but none with tumour size or lymph node status.The assessment of ER by immunocytochemistry using FNA cytology is a rapid technique, which may easily be repeated and provides a pre‐operative assessment of ER status. It allows confirmation that tumour cells are present in the sample and an assessment of tumour heterogeneity.