Early Withdrawal of Statin Therapy in Patients With Non–ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial InfarctionNational Registry of Myocardial Infarction

Background: There is increasing interest in the non- lipid-lowering effects of statins and their effect on out- comes in patients with acute coronary syndrome. It has been suggested that withdrawal of statin therapy during an acute coronary syndrome may attenuate any benefits of pretreatment, thereby providing indirect evidence of the importance of their non-lipid-lowering effects. Methods:Thisobservationalstudycomparedthedemo- graphic and clinical characteristics and hospital out- comes in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myo- cardial infarction enrolled in the National Registry of Myocardial Infarction 4. Comparison groups consisted of patients previously receiving statins who also re- ceived statins within 24 hours of hospital admission (n=9001), patients previously using statins in whom therapy was discontinued (n=4870), and patients who did not receive statins at any time before or during hos- pitalization (n=54635). Results:Of 13871 patients receiving statins before hos-