Hypochlorous acid and myeloperoxidase‐catalyzed oxidation of iron‐slfur clusters in bacterial respiratory dehydrogenases

Hypochlorous acid and related oxidants derived from myeloperoxidase-catalyzed reactions contribute to the microbicidal activities of phagocytosing nuetrophils and monocytes. Microbial ironsulfur (Fe/S) clusters have been suggested as general targets of myeloperoxidase-derived oxiations, but no susceptible Fe/S site has yet been identified. In this study, the effects of HOCl and myeloperoxidase-catalyzed peroxidation of chloride ion upon EPR-detectable Fe/S clusters in Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were examined. Increasing amounts of oxidant produced progressive loss of signal amplitudes from the S-1 and S-3 Fe/S clusters of succinate: ubiquinone oxidoreductase in respiring membrane fragments. These changes were compared to loss of microbial viability, succinate uptake rates, succinate dehydrogenase activity and succinate-dependent respiration. The amounts of oxidant required to destroy Fe/S clusters exceeded the amounts required to kill organisms or inhibit respiratory function by fators of four or five. Power saturation characteristics of the S-1 signal indicated tht the S-2 signal was also resistant to modification, even in highly oxidized membranes. Loss of succinate-dependent respiration was closely associated with HOCl and myeloperoxidase-mediated microbicidal activity against P. aeruginosa and was also an early event in the oxidant-mediated metabolic dysfunctiosn fo E. coli. However, these effects were not caused by the destruction of the Fe/S clusters within the succinat: ubiquinone oxidoreductase. Rather, the major respiration-inhibiting lesion(s) appeared to reside at points in the respiratory chain between the Fe/S clusters and the ubiquinone reductase site.