Current profile studies in ITER via dual‐polarization reflectometry (abstract)

The poloidal field of current in a tokamak influences the propagation of the upper extraordinary EM wave (UXW) in a plasma. Calculations show that in an ITER plasma [B=4.9 T, I=22 MA, n(0)=1×1020 m−3] the current profile changes result in a noticeable shift Δr of the UXW cutoff layer (COFL) position in the region of the current density gradient (Δr=0.2–0.3 m). Simultaneous measurements of the ordinary (O) and extraordinary (X) wave COFL positions via dual‐polarization reflectometry in the frequency bands of 50–100 GHz (O wave) and 110–220 GHz (X wave) will allow us to reconstruct the magnetic field radial profile with an accuracy 3–5% if the COFL position is measured with an accuracy of 1 cm. Current profile in a tokamak plasma can be reconstructed from these data and magnetic field measurements outside the plasma.

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