Pseudomonas‐induced defence molecules in rice plants against leaffolder (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis) pest

Fluorescent pseudomonad strains Pf1, TDK1 and PY15 individually and in combination were evaluated against leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guen., in rice under in vitro, glasshouse and field conditions. Among the various treatments used, a combination of Pf1, TDK1 and PY15 strains effectively reduced the incidence of leaffolder pest in rice plants to an extent comparable with chlorpyrifos-methyl. In addition, morphogenesis of the insect pest in all stages, larval, pupal and adult, was greatly affected by a combination of Pseudomonas Pf1, TDK1 and PY15 strains. Further, the induction of defence-related molecules was demonstrated. An increased accumulation of defence molecules such as chitinase and proteinase inhibitors was observed with a combined Pf1, TDK1 and PY15 treatment compared with all other treatments. Western blot analysis of chitinase revealed the extra induction of 18, 28 and 35 kDa isoforms in rice plants treated with a mixture of Pf1, TDK1 and PY15 strains against leaffolder pest. The study revealed that a combination of fluorescent pseudomonad strains affects the development of leaffolder pest by inducing defence molecules in rice plants which in turn enhance resistance to leaffolder attack. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry