Immunohistochemical demonstration of influenza A nucleoprotein in lungs of turkeys with natural and experimental influenza respiratory disease

Influenza A virus (H1N1) and several bacteria were recovered from lungs of turkey breeder hens during a respiratory disease outbreak. Influenza A nucleoprotein was detected in the pneumonic lung tissue within macrophages and, rarely, in atrial‐Iining epithelium. Inconsistent recovery of pathogenic bacteria suggested that death in some turkeys resulted from acute primary viral pneumonia. In an experimental study, the gross and histologic lesions confirmed the respiratory pathogeni‐city of the influenza virus. The presence of intranuclear and intracytoplasmic influenza A nucleoprotein within macrophages and atrial lining epithelium of the lung, respiratory epithelium of the trachea and hypertrophied epithelial cells of the airsacs verified influenza virus replication in the respiratory system. However, the absence of mortality may suggest that secondary factors, such as bacteria, may modify the disease in natural outbreaks.