Comparison of serum fluoride levels after administration of monofluorophosphate-calcium carbonate or sodium fluoride: differences in peak serum concentrations

Fluoride salts are widely used in Europe in the treatment of established osteoporosis with crush fractures for their ability to increase trabecular bone mass. However, in the United States fluorides are still regarded as an experimental drug. In a prospective, randomized study we compared the fluoride pharmacokinetics of enteric-coated sodium fluoride and disodium monofluorophosphate calcium carbonate (MFP-Ca) over the period of 76 h. Twenty subjects (12 females, 8 males), aged 35–80 years, free of gastrointestinal disorders, renal impairment, and liver disease and without prior fluoride intake entered the study. Ten subjects received NaF (11.3 mg fluoride) twice a day and the other ten MFP-Ca (13.2 mg fluoride) twice a day. During the study period of 76 h the patient's usual food intake was not changed. Serum fluoride levels were determined using an ion sensitive electrode. After intake of a single drug preparation of MFPCa or NaF, MFP-Ca showed a significantly shorter lag time of absorption and a significantly higher maximal serum fluoride concentration than NaF (P<0.01). A comparison of fluoride cumulative characteristics of both drugs showed virtually identical serum fluoride levels before intake of the morning dose on all 4 study days, whereas serum fluoride concentrations measured 4 h afterwards were significantly higher for MFP-Ca than for NaF. These data provide evidence of high “peak” serum fluoride levels for MFP-Ca, whereas only small peak-to-trough fluctuations are seen for NaF.