Irritant reactivity in males and females

Repeated, daily, open sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) applications caused slight alteration in transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and dielectric water content (DEWC) in males and females. No erythema developed. Inter‐individual variation in skin reactivity was demonstrated; sex‐related patterns in reactivity open cumulative irritant exposure did not exist. In patch testing with 0.5 and 1% SLS. reflecting acute irritation capacity. the reaction pattern, assessed by TEWL. DEWC, laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and visual scoring(VS). differed from that induced by open. cumulative: SLS irritation. Again. inter‐individual variation in the reactivity was demonstrated: significant sex‐related differences did not develop Individual reactivity showed considerable variation in acute and cumulative irritant response and was greater than the sex‐related variation. We did not identify responses demonstrating that women have delicate (easily irritated) skin, nor that males have “tougher” skin than females.