Chemical Effects Accompanying the Decay of Mn51

An investigation has been made of the chemical forms assumed by Cr51 when it is produced by positron decay of Mn51 under a variety of conditions. The data have shown that the oxidation state of the parent Mn51 plays an important role in determining the oxidation state of daughter Cr51. By variation of experimental conditions some information has been obtained regarding the types of chemical reactions undergone by the Cr51. These reactions have also been shown to play important roles in determining the ultimate chemical form of daughter Cr51. The complexity of the factors determining the chemical forms of Cr51 after Mn51 decay has been pointed out, and possible explanations of some of the observed phenomena have been suggested. We believe the results are consistent with the hypothesis that appreciable ionization in the valence shell accompanies the beta‐decay process. Incidentally it has been demonstrated that the manganese isotope of 44‐min. half‐life (Mn51) decays to the chromium isotope of 26‐day half‐life (Cr51).