Dynamic Theory of the Nuclear Collective Model

The rotation-vibration model and the hydrodynamic dipole-oscillation model are unified. A coupling between the dipole oscillations and the quadrupole vibrations is introduced in the adiabatic approximation. The dipole oscillations act as a "driving force" for the quadrupole vibrations and stabilize the intrinsic nucleus in a nonaxially symmetric equilibrium shape. The higher dipole resonance splits into two peaks separated by about 1.5-2 MeV. On top of the several giant resonances occur bands due to rotations and vibrations of the intrinsic nucleus. The dipole operator is established in terms of the collective coordinates and the γ-absorption cross section is derived. For the most important 1 levels the relative dipole excitation is estimated. It is found that some of the dipole strength of the higher giant resonance states is shared with those states in which one surface vibration quantum is excited in addition to the giant resonance.