There are more than eighty serotypes of Vibrio cholerae, all causing disease with symptoms of Asian cholera. Systematic prevention of cholera by immunization has not yet been achieved because of a lack of a protective vaccine. Vibrio cholerae 0:1 Gramnegative bacteria occur as two immunologically distinct strains: Ogawa and Tnaba. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of both strains seem to contain the same 0-polysaccharide antigen consisting3,4 of (1+2)-a-linked 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-a-D-mannopyranosyl residues the amino groups of which are acylated with 3-deoxy-L-glycero-tetronic acid. Although the chemical structure of the 0-polysaccharides has been known5 since 1979, the synthesis of its monomeric repeating unit was reported only in 1988.