ID NOE 1H NMR spectroscopy at 500 MHz was employed to examine the structure of poly(dA)·poly(dT) in solution. NOE experiments were conducted as a function of presaturation pulse length (50, 30, 20 and 10 msec) and.power (19 and 20 db) to distinguish the primary NOEs from spin diffusion. The 10 msec NOE experiments took 49 hrs and over 55,000 scans for each case and the difference spectra were almost free from diffusion. The spin diffused NOE difference spectra as well as difference NOE spectra in 90% H2O + 10% D2O in which TNH3 was presaturated enabled to make a complete assignment of the base and sugar protons. It is shown that poly(dA) ·poly(dT) melts in a fashion in which single stranded bubbles are formed with increasing temperature. Extremely strong primary NOEs were observed at H2′/H2″ when AH8 and TH6 were presaturated. The observed NOEs at AH2′ and that AH2″ were very similar as were the NOEs at TH2′ and TH2″. The observed NOEs at AH2′ and AH2″when AH8 was presaturated were very similar to those observed at TH2′ and TH2″ when TH6 was presaturated. In addition, presaturation of H1′ of A and T residues resulted in similar NOEs at AH2′/H2″ and TH2′/H2″ region and these NOEs at H2′ and H2″ were distinctly asymmetric as expected in a C2′-endo sugar pucker. There was not a trace of NOE at AH8 and TH6 when AH3′ and TH3′ were presaturated indicating that C3′-endo, × = 30–40° conformation is not valid for this DNA. From these NOE data, chemical shift shielding calculations and stereochemistry based computer modellings, we conclude that poly(dA)·poly(dT) in solution adopts a right- handed B-DNA duplex in which both dA and dT strands are conformationally equivalent with C2′-endo sugar pucker and a glycosyl torsion, ×, of ≃73°, the remaining backbone torsion angles being φ′ = 221°, ω′ = 212°, ω = 310°, φ = 149°, ψ = 42°, ψ′ = 139°. The experimental data are in total disagreement with the heteronomous DNA model of Arnott et. al. proposed for the fibrous state. (Arnott, S., Chandrasekaran, R., Hall, I.H., and Puigjaner, L.C., Nucl. Acid Res. 11, 4141, 1983).