Conduction properties of the hexagonal tungsten bronze,RbxWO3

Studies of the electrical transport properties—resistivity, Hall effect, and Seebeck coefficient—of the hexagonal tungsten bronze RbxWO3 for 0.16<~x<~0.33 are reported for the temperature range from 1.5 to 300 K. In the normal state, these properties show temperature-dependent anomalies which suggest a phase transition with temperature. The temperature at which this transition occurs is shown to depend on the Rb concentration, exhibiting a sharp maximum near x=0.25. As the Rb concentration is decreased below x=0.33 the superconducting transition temperature first increases above the value of 1.94 K at x=0.33 and then decreases to less than 1 K at x=0.24. As the Rb concentration is lowered further a second increase in Tc is observed. This behavior appears to be associated with a phase transition at a composition near x=0.25. The nature of neither the transition with temperature nor the transition with concentration could be precisely determined. The superconducting state shows a large temperature-independent 60° anisotropy in Hc2 in the plane perpendicular to the hexagonal axis and positive curvature in the temperature dependence of Hc2 near Tc.