A study of the pressure balance around the loop of a circulating fluidized bed

Pressure measurements around the loop of a circulating fluidized bed with 152 mm ID riser and L‐valve fecuer were analysed to determine the effect of operating parameters (superficial gas velocity in the range 2.2 ‐ 4.0 m/s, solids circulation flux in the range 5 ‐ 50 kg/m2 · s and solids inventory, in the range 80 ‐ 180 kg) on the components of the pressure balance. The riser pressure drop, and hence, riser solids holdup were not affected by changes in the inventory of solids in the system, provided riser superficial gas velocity and solid circulation flux were held constant. The mean suspension concentration in the riser was found to be directly proportional to the ratio of solids flux to superficial gas velocity (G / U) in the riser.