Herbicidal Action of Molinate in Barnyardgrass and Rice

S-ethyl hexahydro-1 H-azepine-l-carbothioate-C14 (molinate-C14) applied to the leaves of barnyardgrass [Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv.] and rice (Oryza sativa L.) was predominantly translocated acropetally. Root-applied molinate-C14 was translocated readily throughout the plant. Excised organs of barnyardgrass absorbed more molinate-C14 than did corresponding organs of rice. With surface application, injury by 5 or 10 ppm molinate to rice planted at depths of 0, 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 in decreased with increasing depth of planting, but injury increased in incorporated treatments with increasing depth of planting. Barnyardgrass was markedly suppressed at all depths of planting. Inhibition of elongation of barnyardgrass by molinate was overcome by an equimolar concentration of gibberellic acid. Molinate reduced the level of soluble RNA in barnyardgrass coleoptiles.