Neonatal tolerance induction acrossH-2 mutational disparity: Induction and specificity of tolerance

Mutational disparities derived from alleles of theH-2K andH-2D loci vary widely in their ability to induce neonatal tolerance. The more subtle mutations, such asK bm5 andK bm8, proved to be excellent tolerogens, but theK bm3 mutant (M505) turned out to be the poorest tolerogen yet studied of all H-2 alloantigens. By challenging tolerant animals with skin grafts from related mutants, it was found that expression of tolerance was highly specific. Although a minority of tolerant animals failed to discriminate between the Kb, Kbm5 and Kbm8 antigens, they never failed to discern Kb, Kbml and Kbm3 as distinctly different alloantigens.