Cortico-adrenal insufficiency and potassium metabolism

A method for the estimation of K in 0.2 ml. of blood has been descr., and certain errors present in the ordinarily used methods pointed out. The normal values found (19 cats) were: plasma 19.3, serum 20.2 and whole blood 21.4 mgm. K/100 ml. The results of analyses performed on 18 bilaterally adrenalectomized eats, at frequent intervals following the operation, are given; the values for blood K vary within wide limits (11-46 mgm./100 ml.) for different animals at different times after the operation. The most consistent effect is that of a rapid rise to a max. value on the 3d or 4th day. A method for determining K in muscle is descr.: an av. of 0.415% wet wt., or 1.900% dry wt., has been found for skeletal muscle of animals in the terminal stage of adrenal insufficiency, and of 275 mgm./100 gm. and 1577/100 gm. for myocardium. The values for wet wt. are lower, and for dry wt. higher, than for normal cats. The significance of these findings is discussed, and it is suggested that the syndrome of cortico-adrenal insufficiency is intimately associated with a disturbance in K metabolism.

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