Fertilizer placed in contact with the seed damaged the germination of sugar beet, mangolds, swedes and peas in 1947; damage was also caused by fertilizer placed directly below the seed. In 1947 and 1948 some damage to the germination of sugar beet was caused by fertilizer in bands 3 in. below the soil surface and 1 in. to the side of the seed; in both years bands of fertilizer 3 in. to the side of the seed were safe. Where placement of medium or full fertilizer dressings is adopted for row crops, the bands should be placed not less than 2 in. from the seed to avoid the risk of injury to germination. All methods of placing gave consistently higher yields of peas than broadcasting fertilizer, the average advantage of placing being over 2 cwt. of peas per acre. In all the experiments on peas in 1948 early applications broadcast and worked deeply into the seed-bed were somewhat superior to late applications made at sowing time.

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