This report presents the results of a 2-year study of veterans' use of low vision devices (LVDs) which were prescribed and dispensed through the Blind Rehabilitation Centers (BRCs) and Visual Impairment Centers to Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS) of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Two-hundred veterans using 740 LVDs were surveyed by telephone 12 to 24 months after the prescription/dispensing of the devices. Reliability (test-retest) and validity (content, criterion-related, and construct) were established for the survey. Primary analysis of the data was accomplished through tabular presentations. Because most devices were used for reading, an exploratory data analysis was completed to further investigate successful use of LVDs for this task. Relationships of 21 variables with a definition of highly successful use, use and nonuse of LVDs for reading were evaluated. Only visual acuity provided a statistically significant predictor of use of LVDs for reading. LVDs in the lowest visual acuity grouping tend to be used either highly successfully, or fall into the nonuse category. The highly successful LVDs are primarily video magnifiers; the nonused LVDs tended to be spectacle magnifiers. This population is using devices extensively for reading, reporting frequencies of use of several times per day.