The pathways of movement of dye-markings on the tympanic membranes of 30 ears of 15 volunteers were investigated by photography with a Hopkin's rod. Two discrete pathways were identified. Movement on the pars tensa was centrifugal in all directions from the edge of the handle of malleus surface. This supported our previous suggestion that pars tensa epithelial migration is based on growth of the meatal plate. Movement on the more central part of the handle surface itself, however, was always upwards to the pars flaccida epithelium and then, with all dye on the latter, in a posterosuperior direction only. The covering epithelium of the pars flaccida/handle of malleus arises from the fundus of the early embryonic external canal. To explore the possibility that its migration may also commence early, the fundus was examined histologically in 12 embryo ears. It was shaped like an inverted pear to conform to the primordial head of the malleus above and its handle below. There was distinct flattening of the whole fundal epithelium in contrast to the side wall of the external canal, lending support to the concept of a primordial flux of epithelium in the main fundus and its inferior extension. The meatal plate grew from the rim of the fundus producing the pars tensa and deep external canal epithelia. This process, however, was not associated with significant cytologic alterations or increased expression of the human proliferation antigen, Ki-67, at that rim. This suggests that the pars tensa epithelium grows and moves without the active involvement of the epithelium of the pars flaccida/handle of malleus.