Duodeno‐Abomasal Reflux in Cows with Abomasal Displacement

The aim of this study was to investigate abomaso-duodenal digesta transport during abomasal displacement and after surgical correction of the abomasum, using intra-abomasal bile acid concentration. In healthy cows, bile acids were found in the abomasum, indicative of duodeno-abomasal reflux being a physiological event. In cows with left abomasal displacement (LDA), right abomasal displacement (RDA) and abomasal volvolus (AV), abomasal bile acid concentration was significantly higher than in healthy control cows. This was found to be true during surgery, on the first day as well as on the third day after surgery. Abomasal bile acid concentration was significantly different between LDA, RDA and AV, with LDA, RDA and AV showing lowest, intermediate and highest values respectively. In those with LDA and RDA, abomasal bile acid concentration significantly increased from surgery to first day after surgery, and decreased from first to third day after surgery. In AV cows, however, bile acid concentration declined constantly from surgery to third day after surgery. These findings indicate pathological duodeno-abomasal reflux during abomasal displacement and after surgical correction of the abomasum. Reflux seems to differ between forms of displacement (LDA < RDA < AV) and during recovery. Pathological duodeno-abomasal reflux is discussed as a consequence of functional and/or mechanical impediments on abomaso-duodenal digesta transport during abomasal displacement and after surgical correction of the abomasum.