Treatment of benign breast disease with bromocriptine

23 women with benign breast disease (fibrocystic disease or fibroadenosis) were treated for three months consecutively with a prolactin inhibitor drug, bromocriptine, at the dose of 2.5 mg every eight hours. Serum prolactin levels were normal before treatment; during treatmentprolactinconcentrationsweresignificantlysuppressedalltheday long. 21 out of 23 patients receiving bromocriptine showed marked relief of pain and mammary tension after a few days of treatment; adenomatous or cystic nodules became smaller and softer, often with disappearance of the smaller ones. Two patients failed to respond to treatment. In all positive cases the improvement persisted for at least six months after the end of treatment. No important side effects were observed during the therapy. Our results do not allow any conclusion on the real mechanism of action of bromocriptine in benign breast disease, nevertheless they indicate the possible usefulness of this drug in treating patients with benign breast disease.