Superdiffusion in random velocity fields

We discuss the superdiffusive motion of a random walk in a medium containing random velocity fields. For a two-dimensional layered medium with y-dependent random velocities in the x direction u(y), 〈x2(t)〉∼t2ν, with 2ν=3/2, and with strong sample-to-sample fluctuations. The probability distribution of displacements, averaged over environments, takes a non-Gaussian scaling form at large time, 〈P(x,t)〉∼t3/4f(x/t3/4), where v(u)∼exp(-uδ) for u≫1, with δ=4/3. For an isotropic two-dimensional medium with ux(y)=f(y) and uy(x)=f(x), we find ν=2/3 and δ=1-ν)1=3.