Electron Dose-rate Conversion Factors for External Exposure of the Skin

Dose-rate conversion factors for external exposure of the skin to electrons have been calculated for approx. 500 radionuclides of potential importance in environmental radiological assessments. The dose-rate factors are based on electron scaled point kernels and geometrical reduction factors developed by Berger (Be73; Be74). The exposure modes considered are immersion in contaminated air, immersion in contaminated water, and irradiation at a height of 1 m above a contaminated ground surface. The dose-rate factors are calculated at a depth of 70 μm below the body surface (ICRP77), and in addition, the average values over the thickness of the dermis as defined for Reference Man (ICRP75) are obtained. The dependence of the dose-rate factors on the energy of the emitted electrons and, for ground-surface exposure, the dependence on the height above ground are displayed. The dose-rate factors for selected radionuclides of importance in routine releases from the nuclear fuel cycle are tabulated.