Several investigators have obtained blood group specific substances, including Rh. Other workers have produced the Rh fraction by physical means. This paper describes the production of Rh inhibitor substance by alcoholic extraction of pooled, laked human red blood cells at 4[degree]C, followed by a similar extraction of the precipitated material with anesthesia ether. This material, apparently a lipid, is recovered by evaporation of the ether. The lipid inhibitor, dissolved in 95% alcohol and resuspended in an equal volume of normal saline, will supersede the activity of high titered anti-Rh serum. It is not antigenic for guinea pigs, but will produce antibody in these animals when injd. intraperit. in company with crystalline egg albumen. Combined with standard anti-Rh serum in proportion detd. by trial, it will fix complement. It is relatively heat-resistant and appears to be Rh hapten.