Incidental Findings in CT Colonography: Literature Review and Survey of Current Research Practice

Just over ten years ago, the first human trials of virtual colonoscopy, or computed tomography (CT) colonography, were performed. CT colonography (CTC), as it is now called, is a low radiation dose CT examination of the abdomen and pelvis following bowel purgation cleansing and insuflation (inflation) of the colon and rectum. High spatial resolution CT datasets of the abdomen and pelvis are obtained while the patient is lying in the prone and supine positions, with the entire procedure lasting about ten minutes. The resulting images are interactively reviewed on a dedicated computer workstation using 2D multiplanar images and 3D endoluminal displays of the colon. Over the past decade, rapid technological advancements in image acquisition, 3D display techniques, colonic insuflation, and stool tagging (i.e., labeling of stool with ingested radio-opaque contrast) have occurred, which have greatly improved the ability of CT colonography to detect colorectal polyps and cancer.