Lichen‐forming ascomycetes and their green algal photobionts completely die off within approximately 3 years of storage at room temperature. Macroscopically this is recognizable as a colour change, the green shades of the chlorophylls being lost. In fluorescent light microscopy preparations an increase in fungal autofluorescence and a significant decrease in chlorophyll autofluorescence in the Trebouxia cells was observed. In transmission electron microscopy preparations of Xanthoria parietina and its green algal photobiont, Trebouxia arboricola, the fungal membrane systems were found to be largely broken down whereas the shrivelled algal protoplast failed to rehydrate after storage at room temperature. When stored in the desiccated state at ‐ 20 °C, both partners of the symbiosis stayed fully viable for up to 13 years, their colouration and chlorophyll fluorescence being unchanged. Viability was measured as ascospore ejection and germination rates in Xanthoria parietina, soredium germination rates in Xanthoria fallax, Hypogymnia physodes and Parmelia sulcata, and autospore formation rate in Trebouxia cells (green algal photobiont), which had been isolated from the thalli after rehydration. Thallus fragments of Xanthoria parietina were shown to grow normally after one week of storage in LN2 without any cryoprotectant. In the desiccated state deep‐frozen samples can be repeatedly brought to room temperature and back to ‐ 20 °C without any loss of viability. Cryopreservation is therefore a suitable mode of long‐term storage of viable lichen thalli for experimental studies or transplant experiments.