Preparation and Rates of Hydrolysis of Perfluoro- Esters of Cellulose

Partial esters of cellulose varying in degree of substitution from 0.02 to 0.58 were prepared by reacting cellulose immersed in dimethylformamide with either perfluoro butyryl chloride or perfluorooctanoyl chloride in the presence of a tertiary aromatic amine. The use of essentially homogeneous solutions of acid chlorides resulted in prod ucts which retained properties of the original cotton and showed in addition oil and water repellency which was durable to dry cleanings and aqueous launderings in the presence of neutral detergents. Rates of uncatalyzed hydrolysis of the perfluorooctanoyl cellulose esters were determined at 25°, 35°, and 45° C., and the rate of the alkaline catalyzed hydrolysis was estimated at 25° C. The energy and entropy of activation for the uncatalyzed hydrolysis were determined.