Intracranial Abscesses in Adults: An Analysis of 54 Consecutive Cases

A retrospective analysis was performed of 54 consecutive adult patients with intracranial abscesses hospitalized between 1973 and 1985. Clinical signs and symptoms were varying and no single symptom was found in more than 48 % of the patients. Also the laboratory findings were of limited diagnostic value. The etiology of the infections varied with the sources and could be identified in 42 of the patients. In patients with postoperative abscesses or infections after penetrating head injuries Staphylococcus aureus was the most commonly found causative agent. In patients with abscesses originating from sinus, dental or otogenic infections, anaerobic bacteria dominated and most patients had multiple bacterial isolates. A majority of patients (33/47) with diagnosed abscesses were treated with both surgical drainage and systemic antibiotics. 14 patients received antibiotics only, due to inoperable abscesses or spontaneous regression without surgery. 17 of the patients (31.5%) died from their intracranial infections and only 9 survived without sequelae. Important prognostic factors were missed diagnosis and presence of multiple or ruptured abscesses. One patient died of acute brain stem herniation after lumbar puncture, a procedure which was found to be of limited diagnostic value and which seems to be contraindicated in patients with intracranial abscesses.