Global Ischemia in Dogs: Cerebrovascular CO 2 Reactivity and Autoregulation

One hypothesis on the pathogenesis of post-ischemic-anoxic encephalopathy is impaired cerebral perfusion or the no-reflow phenomenon. Therapies aimed at preventing the development of this phenomenon are increased cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and hyperventilation or hypercapnia. Using a dog model in which we have described the progressive development of post-ischemic (PI) cerebral hypoperfusion after 15 minutes of global ischemia induced by aortic and vena cavae clamping, our aims in this study were to determine during the PI cerebral hypoperfusion period: (1) cerebrovascular reactivity to CO2, and (2) cerebral blood flow (CBF) autoregulation. Post-ischemic cerebral hypoperfusion to about 50% of normal was not accompanied by raised intracranial pressure (ICP) but cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity was markedly attenuated while maintaining some kind of autoregulatory phenomenon. Cerebral uptake of oxygen was not significantly affected by changing Pacoco2 from 20 to 60 torr at constant CPP or by changing CPP from 64 to 104 torr at constant Pacoco2. These results suggest that increasing both CPP and hypocapnia/hypercapnia would not significantly attenuate PI neurological deficit after global cerebral ischemia. However, in two dogs inadvertently hemodiluted in the PI period, increasing CPP from 50 to 200 torr increased CBF by 200%, suggesting that hemodilution plus increased CPP may be effective therapy for amelioration of post-ischemic-anoxic encephalopathy. The significance of our findings on cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity and autoregulation with respect to the mechanism of the no-reflow phenomenon is discussed.