Induction of calcium‐ion efflux from brain tissue by radiofrequency radiation: Effect of sample number and modulation frequency on the power‐density window

Changes have been found in calcium-ion binding to brain tissue exposed in vitro to a specific power density (0.83 mW/cm2) of 147-MHz radiation, amplitude modulated by a 16-Hz sine wave. This report replicates and extends this previous work. To define more precisely the range of effective power densities, two different numbers of samples were treated in a Crawford cell. In one series, four brain tissues were exposed at a time; in the other series, four brain tissues plus six dummy loads were exposed together. While the four-sample configuration produced a narrow power-density window, the ten pseudosample configuration resulted in a broader power-density window. The reason for the sample-number dependence is unresolved, but may be due to interactions between samples and field distortions caused by the close spacing. The ten pseudosample configuration was used to test for the presence and range of a power-density window at a sinusoidal modulation frequency of 9 Hz. The response curve at 9 Hz was essentially identical to the results for 16-Hz sinewave modulation.