When strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae carrying a single glucose-phosphorylating enzyme such as hexokinase P1 or hexokinase P2 or glucokinase, are subjected to the selection pressure against the toxic sugar 2-deoxyglucose, the majority of survivors are mutants lacking the respective enzymes. All the 2-deoxyglucose-resistant segregants recovered from backcrosses of these mutants to a wild type strain are glucose-negative and all the sensitive ones are glucose-positive. The hexokinase mutations are located in the same complementation groups as defined by the structural genes of hexokinase P1 and hexokinase P2. No interallelic complementation has been observed either in hexokinase P1 or in hexokinase P2 amongst a total of 4×64, and 5×60 different combinations of independent mutants at the hxk1 and hxk2 loci respectively. There appears to be neither a common genetic regulator controlling two or more of these glucose-phosphorylating enzymes nor a sugar carrier that can be dispensed with.