Wood Dynamics in Coastal Plain Blackwater Streams

We quantified woody debris in the river swamps of the sixth order Ogeechee River and several smaller tributaries in the Coastal Plain of the southeastern USA, compared swamp wood with woody debris in the channel, and studied wood movement in the swamp and main channel over 20 mo. Woody debris in the Ogeechee River swamps was relatively low (0.362–0.880 kg ash-free dry mass (AFDM)/m2) in comparison to several mixed temperate deciduous forests. Similarly, wood in the tributary swamps was low (mean = 0.82 kg AFDM/m2), and there were no trends along the river continuum. Wood in the channels of both the Ogeechee (6.46 kg AFDM/m2) and a fourth order tributary (2.24 kg AFDM/m2) were significantly higher than found in their adjacent floodplains. Woody debris appeared to increase in stream channels from smaller tributaries to the sixth order river, opposite of that observed in other river systems. Tagging of logs showed that only 17% of wood in the Ogeechee channel had moved after 3 major floods, much less than in the swamps (21–84%). The abundance and stability of woody debris in the main channel allows it to be a major habitat type and source of food for both riverine invertebrates and fishes. The fate of most swamp wood appears to be decomposition and fragmentation, rather than import to the river channel.