Promotion of Health by Soy Isoflavones: Efficacy, Benefit and Safety Concerns

Cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis-related hip fractures, and various cancers of the colon, prostate, uterus, and breast are remarkably less prevalent in Asia than in other industrialized countries. It is believed that the large consumption of soy products in Asian countries is contributory to the reduction of these chronic disorders. Genistein is a major isoflavone found in most soy products and plays an important role in the promotion of human health. Extensive epidemiological, in vitro, and animal studies have been performed, and most studies indicate that genistein has beneficial effects on a multitude of human disorders, including cancers, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and postmenopausal symptoms. To date, there is an abundance of promising studies supporting genistein's potential uses, but further research is still needed to validate its preventative and therapeutic efficacy. In addition, the adverse effects of genistein have drawn public attention. More studies are required to assess the potential detrimental effect of genistein, and a benefit-risk ratio should be considered before future clinical studies are performed.