1. Theoretical considerations lead to the conclusion that dissociable acidic groups present to a varying extent in different collodion preparations determine the electrochemical behavior of membranes cast from these preparations. It is further reasoned that the base exchange capacity of the collodion surfaces is the true quantitative measure of the abundance of the dissociable groups. 2. The concept of base exchange capacity and the base exchange method are discussed. The conditions which allow a purposeful application of the latter are stated. 3. The base exchange properties of a number of fibrous collodion preparations of different origins and after various types of treatment, having widely varying electrochemical activities, are determined. 4. With the chemical (titration) and physical (electrometric) methods employed, no regular correlation can be found between electrochemical activity and base exchange. The base exchange capacity which is necessary to cause even great electrochemical activity of collodion is extremely small. 5. Measurable to high base exchange capacity always seems to be associated with good or high electrochemical activity; but base exchange capacity too low to be definitely measurable with the available methods may be found with collodion preparations of high as well as with preparations of low electrochemical activity. 6. The bearing of these results upon the problem of the spatial and electrical structure of the collodion membrane is indicated briefly.